Reg. S.No.:53/1987
(Registered Under Societies Registration Act. 27 of 1975)
Bishop's House, Post Box. 703, 2, Court Road, Maravanery, Salem - 636 007. Tamil Nadu. India.


  1. Charity for Marriage of Poor Women
  2. Charity for Education Children
  3. Charity for House Repairs
  4. Charity for Medical Care
  5. Charity for Boarding & Lodging of Orphans
  1. Help to Handicapped
  2. Youth Animation Program
  3. Empowerment of Rural Women
  4. Low cost Houses to Poor
  5. Maintenance of Home for Aged
  1. Seminarians Training & Education
  2. Animation of Families
  3. Catechist Training Program
  4. Maintenance of Clergy
  5. Evangelization Program
  1. Construction of Chapels
  2. Construction of Schools
  3. Construction of Presbytery
  4. Religious Services